...While walking a few blocks to my next appointment,
I spotted these kids dancing & skipping along the pebble walkway...
they made me smile ear2ear~
hmmm...wonder why do most adults stop doing this in public?
As beautiful as they are, those pebbles were not so easy on my high heels...
I think I was walking more like a clumsy penguin!
( extra smiles! )
-Taken along Orchard Road(near the Istana) in Singapore
The worst is when your heel gets caught in a gap in the sidewalk--yikes! :) Those kiddos are so cute though, and you're right--kids are so uninhibited . . . sad that most folks grow out of that as we get older.
We would all be better off if we would think like a child...and not take life so seriously.
I can't imagine walking on those pebbles in heels. :) A passer-by would be scooping me up off the ground.:)
Have a great week darling! OxOX
I hate hate hate those pebbles! because you can't walk on those with heels, and that is exactly the reason why grown up do not dance like that on those pebbles :P
This is so cute!
I don't wear heels, but I think it is because I'm extremely tall.
I wish some adults would show the inner kids in them. I skip along the walkway, and people just glare! haha
I don't hate those pebbles, I should have just taken off my shoes & walk barefooted! ...and get a free foot massage/reflexology! hah!!
admire your spirit!
I'd be skipping!
oooh I hate these situations on high heels!!!
not easy on the heels, that is for sure! but i love the look. and i would love to touch them, too!
But I love that you tried!
I think we'd call them cobbles over here - but that could be just me.
Maybe we could start an international skip to work day
TO ... there's no way I could skip back !
Oh dear. I can see why crossing those stones does pose a problem when wearing high heels. How did you manage without falling head over heels?
Awwwwww, that is just precious! We should all act like kiddos from time to time!
i will admit this to you...
i still skip.
Seriously, to appreciate things like children do...
Also why are there pebbles on Orchard? It should be clean there!
very very cute!
haha, i love the photo, but i agree, those types of sidewalks are HORRIBLE!! i keep forgetting, and i always end up tripping.
I want to know where are their parents?
Yes I'd probably injure myself if I tried that now....so lovely to see the kids enjoying themselves.
I did this for a client in his shower against my better judgment. I hate it. I think it hurts...he loves it! That's what makes the world go round, I guess.
Dear Chic & Cheap Living,
err...I think you need to explore Singapore more often darling...it's your home at the moment right? this pebble walkway is not far from Plaza Singapura- Dhoby Ghaut MRT.
So true! we must cherish the 'inner-child'
I think kids are so much less inhibited - and as adults we are always trying to get back to that state!
Ha ha. I would be in the same shape if I were to try to conquer a walk across those pebbles in my heels! :)
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