and waiting...

and more waiting...
for this day to arrive...and it's finally here!
~yesssss... Labor Day Weekend here I come!

" Wee-Weee-Weeeeeehhh..."
We are having a long weekend here in the States,
and I intend to enjoy every second of it!
A friend has also invited me for a rooftop weekend BBQ and she requested for
my Bread Pudding which she lurrrves very much... Instead of regular old bread,
I use croissants for this recipe! Much more flavorful I'd say~YUM*
errr...who's counting calories right?!
Have a Fun *Labor Day* Weekend Everybody!!!
-Pics: Studio Jo Meesters via YatzerCom & AK photography via ffffoundCom
Have a wonderful time!!
I adore bread pudding with croissants! It seriously makes me smile all over!
Yummy...sounds like your weekend will be so delicious...Enjoy it all,sweetie
Ps: I love the last photo...hahah
Hello dollie.....a long weekend for me too:)
A BBQ, Bread pudding and excellent company sounds fabulous to me too!!
love the pictures! they remind me of the crucible!
Enjoy the weekend, and the bread pudding!
Where do you find these interesting pictures!
Labor Day is all about good friends and food, with a couple of cocktails for good measure isn't it? Have a fabulous time on this Labor Day Lenore!
Have a splendid long weekend. See you on the otherside. x
That's me at the end of the line of red bouncy balls. It looks like fun but I'm getting worried as I approach the dropoff. I sure hope I don't break my neck!!
On second thought, I reckon I'll turn my ball around and bounce directly to your house for some bread pudding instead.
I'm very ready for this weekend too! Bread pudding is one of my favorites!! YUMM!!
Enjoy it while I live vicariously through you!
love all the picture so cute !!!
let labor day begging right I can't wait
oh I'd love to try your croissant bread pudding! have a lovely loooong weekend darling! xo
i love the idea of substituting ANYTHING else for white bread.
have a great long weekend.
i love the progression of these photos!
have a great weekend! xo, c
have a great weekend :)
sounds like the perfect Labor Day weekend! We've gotta squeeze out all the summer we can!
Isn't everything better with croissants? And that last picture is bliss.
Have a fun and fabulous weekend Lenore! I am going to a weekend BBQ too :) bread pudding made with croissant sounds delish!
Have a great time, darling Lenore!
labor day is the best. a great excuse not to work! have a fantastic weekend, xo.
I have a recipe that uses "Hawaiian" bread. It's great...
Happy Weekend Darling Girl!
i love the photos you used!
i hope your labor day weekend is amazing!
Bead pudding! I can only imagine how wonderful that must be! Loe these photos - very atmospheric. Have a wonder filled long weekend sweetie - recharge those hard working, creative, delightful batteries of yours! XOXO's
I am equally excited for a three day weekend! Tonight I am doing absolutely nothing and I cannot wait. :)
Happy Long Weekend to you! We have it here in Canada as well...phewzers!
Enjoy the rooftop bbq and don't forget to take photos!!! it sounds splendid! :)
Have fun LNM - just don't go over the edge!
sweet!!! I love croissants, I put mozzarella in mine and it melts and gets SO GOOD!!! yummy yummy
I love it! Have a great weekend! xoxo
Haha, I love the last picture! So much fun :)
Enjoy your long weekend <3
Enjoy Lenore, one of these days you must share your bread pudding recipe. Happy jumping! xo
Hope you're having an awesome Labor Day weekend dear Lenore! ♥ Also, love the laboring photos and the insane fun one at the end... I tried imagining myself jumping off the cliff on one of those balls and almost yelped! :)
Happy labor day! Can you believe I have classed on labor day? How sad...
Have a wonderful week.
Yuuum - croissant bread pudding! Love it. Happy Labour day to you :)
happy labor day!
Croissant bread pudding?!?! You, my lady, are a saint.
Hope you had a relaxing, delicious labor day.
Hope your Labor Day weekend was fun & D-lish!! I'm just eeeaasing back into the swing of things myself & loved this sweet post :)
i super hope you had a great weekend! :>
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
I hope you had a wonderful one! Guessing that you did from the photos! (even tho you didn't do some of those things I'm guessing...)
I mostly cleaned house but got to relax in the evening with a new sewing project.
I'm thinkin' that bread pudding calls for a recipe post! Hope your weekend was fab lady!
Oh I am very much loving that last photo! What a perfect representation of how I feel on my three day weekends!
hi dear..have a fun labour day indeed..hope we can also enjoy that Bread Pudding one day..ha ha..take care!
Fantastic pictures/paintings...they are super interesting! Hope you had a fabulous Labor Day...
and sorry to hear about the loss of your pup!
She looks like she was a great companion.
wonderful shots!
yes, wonderful shots! And I know the right person on the 3th picture..Ria..isn't it?
Hy! Very creative photos! I came back,I wait for you on my blog! Have a nice day! :)
Your photos are SO inpsiring!! Thank you for sharing your art!
--an amateur photographer.
I like your blog is very attractive
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