This is the most magnificent home photo gallery EVERrrr!
~Thanks to the latest technology, we can now easily scan old family photos...
crop/enlarge/convert to black&white blah-blah-blah...& frame them up! ~I'm so inspired!!
Any of you display personal photographs around the house??? (I'm nosy like that!)
WOW! Fantastic!
Love this!
So neat! My photos are kind of lame. I need to be more photogenic I think. Or have better frames!
LOVE it!!!
xoxo Laura
It TRULY is.....lots of dusting....but I bet its worth it:)
No... but after seeing this I might have to!
wow amazing.
Its incredible...I so would like to have a disply like that in my place...Hmmm...this is going to be my new project!
oh love it! I framed some family photos to display them at home, but nothing like this! wow! xo
Truly beautiful. Do you think me a terrible boring housewife when another thought jumps up in my brain? Dust. (Yes, I agree, I need a cleaner... or train the man better).
So lovely, I love displaying personal photos (just not of myself! :))
That is awesome! We have a hall of photos, and because I'm not ashamed of how obsessed I am, they are ALL of my son!!
Love the display! Personal photos is all I DO decorate with, but not nearly as creatively as this!
hi dear, you are perfectely right about technological improvements ..and the pic is great bond of Old is Gold. keep the good work on. Take care.
Really fabulous! I cannot wait to give this look a try!
that is really pretty!
great display of photos, very inspiring.
It's a bit too much for me. My eyes would be racing in all directions whenever I paused to look at the wall of photos.
Gorgeous photo gallery, darling!
Love all the vintage pics!
I need to get a scanner asap!
This is gorgeous! I like to frame old b&w's and frame them. I also scan color photos and print them in b&w. It's a cheap and fun way to make family photos really look amazing.
Oh, it's so good to visit you, Lenore! I've been away from blogging most of the summer and am just now getting back into my rhythm. It's been a crazy time!
Hugs to you, sweetie! xoxo Gigi
that truly looks amazing : ) WOW what a creative home...would love to see the rest of the decor lol!! I do have some personal photos...but they are black and white and action ones...so you can kind of see who it is but not really lol!
happy thursday!
I totally love this look! Now I'm inspired :)
i love this, i so want a photo wall!
I love it and I need a picture wall! asap!
ahh I love it. I would die for one like that!!
truly gorge!!
We have the two little ones so of course, we've got photos balanced precariously on every available bit of shelf space.
This is soooo awesome! I've been enlarging some really old teeny tiny family photos for my Dad lately and framing them - he is so overcome when I give them to him - I really recommend it as a present!
This is soooo awesome! I've been enlarging some really old teeny tiny family photos for my Dad lately and framing them - he is so overcome when I give them to him - I really recommend it as a present!
I would be so afraid my cat would jump up and knock them down. in the middle of the night be awoken to the sound of smashing glass....ug chills!
but yes we do display pictures just in those cheap plastic frames :) kitty proof!
lovely concept!! i dont frame pictures... (sadly)
Oh I'm way way behind on post reading LNM.
Love them all - love it all !
Great frames- I like how they are placed low.
This is fantastic!! I'm saving this picture. Hopefully one day I'll do the same!
Gorgeous wall and I do dear Lenore... I have several old family photos up around the living room. But I do have to move them around, the whole living room area needs new decorating ideas... ♥
Yip - sure do! And we do it like this, only not as many - so not as cool.
Oh wow!
The effort, the display, the look...it all makes me swoon. Much better than a digital frame if you ask me but then you need a massive house!
Just back to wish you a wonderful loooooooooong weekend (you lucky Americans!). And to satisfy your curiosity - I do have a few family pictures on the wall, but not many. (Sometimes when I come into family homes ALL the walls are plastered with their family pics I can't help feeling slightly overwhelmed by so much family-tude)... Okay, enough babbling... xo
... can't help it, sorry, forgot: and not on the fireplace, no, not for me!
Awesome wall! I love displaying photographs in our bedrooms. I'm working on scanning old family photos too.
Thanks for the reminder, I've got to get off my bug and start doing more.
Rambles with Reese
This is so cool and beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
oh wow, I want this in my house!
oh wow! we've a few photos here and there but nothing like a gallery tho :D
love that wall!
I LOVE this!! Love it!! Love Love LOVE it!!
love this wall!! I am planning a frame wall for such a long time, I really have to get going with this project!!
Viele Gruesse, Kristina
I went to home depot yesterday to figure out how to do something like this...I think I was lead by a greater being to your blog today...I am doing it today!
Redoing my photo wall like this,is the shelving just 2x4s? Love it!
Is it just 2x4s? Love it so doing thing for my photo room
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