Sunday Best*

Happy Sunday Beloved!
I was going to post this after the weekend,
but thought this would be just perfect for a 'Sunday-Best' post!
By faith*, nicely stumbled upon this...& must share!
Ooohhh...may I describe a church as errr...CUTE ?!
why not... LENORENEVERMORE was instantly charmed
by this CUTE church building... Hallelujah moment indeed! ~Amen!
[ in Northern Ostrobothnia - a region of Finland ]
Designed by Anssi Lassila, winner of student competition
hosted by University of Oulu. To view the building process click here*
" Praise the Lord...Darlings! " ~XOXO*


Jeannette Mariae said...

I really enjoyed the pictures on the homepage...

I think it is very beautiful and would love to see it inside the building.

Happy Sunday, dear ;-)

www.janetteria.com said...

Oh my gosh! Wooden church looks so brilliant!

Happy Sunday of course...

Debra said...

Simple beauty! Just right for a Sunday morning.

Magdalena said...

Lovely church, would like to be inside there right now!! Am cooking for a houseful of people today and several "party boys" who could use some spirtual enlightening.."Praise the Lord" Indeed!!

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Thanks for posting. I am a huge fan of architecture & this is stunning. The Finnish are so hip!
Happy Sunday as well :D

Anonymous said...

Went to the church's website, would that count as me going to church today?

Wondering what they used the flax for. I don't see a thatched roof. hmmm still wondering...

A beautiful piece of architecture, that student will go far.

ali said...

I think I'd go to chruch if that was by me. It looks so peaceful.

Happy Sunday!

The Snarky Narwhal said...

aww that's so simplistic and cute!!

DaisyChain said...


Hayley said...

this building is so interesting just to look at!

Elizabeth Marie said...

Oh wow...gorgeous and peaceful!!

Happy Sunday love! XO

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Now that is one pretty little church - architecture I could definitely share a praise report about!

Sierra said...

What a very cool church building! I love how it was designed. Happy Sunday!

Sam said...

Goodness me! How extraordinary! ...and lovely! Lovely in that setting.

Keith said...

That is so cool. I really like that. Hope you've had a good weekend.

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Lovely church! Thank you for sharing this simplistic beauty!

Wishing you a happy week ahead!

D said...

thanks so much for your sweet comment! love the church by the way. very CUTE! i love that it's by a lake :)

Angela said...

what beautiful pictures. hoped you had a wonderful weekend.

Phoebe Limanta said...

my oh my! that is quiet a cute church! :D

happy weekend-ing dear :)

trishie said...

What a cute little church!

Iva Messy said...

wow amazing architecture! this is a PERFECT Sunday post. I hope you had a nice weekend. :)

Lola said...

Just stopped by to say you’ve been “tagged”!

Terrific post as always! btw I love Finland & its architecture!

Have a wonderful day & see you again soon!


Christina said...

it's certainly charming but where are all the windows?!

kadler said...

That's a church? I hope it's not as sad inside as it looks outside.

Diana said...

this looks so beautiful! i wish my church looked like this!

Anonymous said...

Not only cute, ADORABLE!
the river helps alot too ;)

Kitty Stampede said...

That is a really adorable church. Praises!! Man, Sorry for my lack of commentage, I'm so behind.

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

The architecture of this church is amazing, but it's the setting and the scenery that just makes my jaw drop.