
.... Special Thank You* for all your lovely comments! Some of you are so hee-heelarious! Made me have some HAPPY Laughs! Anyway, I'm feeling so much better today... Especially after looking at more visual delights compliment via The King of Sole, Christian Louboutin's latest campaign...where art+fashion merged so harmoniously! Quite a fresh take on a Shoe Campaign I must say~Not a single fashion model posing in those fabulous heels...
~take a look :
~Aren't they pretty?!
perfect time to sing one of my favorite song from
'The West Side Story' the musical
(my Anthem song!!!) ehem-ehem...
Let's sing : "I feel pretty... Oh, so pretty..."
....errr BUT NOT SO FAST darlingsss...
~take a look :
The witty & beautiful Miss Melody at Me Melodia sent me this bloody picture in response to my previous blog-post! "Whahaha..." (Well-well-well...never thought I would laugh at the sight of over flowing blood!!!) I can certainly relate to that 'red-flow' at the moment! For those who are like "errr???" ...please read previous post & the above picture??? It's the famous scene from Stephen King's movie- The Shinning. Thank you Melody, I shall think of you every time I get new Tampons at the store~hee*...errr???
~Hmmm...come to think about it, my 'flow' is actually more like this:
yeah...that's right! More like this magical flow*
(-minus the boat & happy rainbow of course!)
My mother would say to me," it's alright...you are just too fertile!"
WHAT-fertile?! I'm not a bucket of Soil Compost Mom...!!!
(that's my mom for you! heavy flow=fertility!)
Errr-errr...Once again, my deepest apology for wayyy 'Too Much Info'!!!
Can't help it... it's part of nature as all the ladies know...
~Right Ladiesss...?! (Gentlemen...hope you understand?!)
-Pics Via Allure Magz, Refinery29 & Mir.Com


Denisa L said...

love the Louboutin ad campaign

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oh my goodness! hope your magical flow stop flowing soon, darling! haha! xo

ali said...

omgoodness, you are hilarious!
I am part of that club this week as well, unfortunately.

love the Louboutin ads. One day, I hope I will have sexy shoes like those and Manolos, oh life would be good then.

Anonymous said...

For me...there are times when I can't wait for menopause ;)

Hope you're feeling better. Looking at those Louboutins would make me feel better Ha!

me melodia said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed this.


Formerly known as Frau said...

Your Mom sounds like mine full of crap!! I was a heavy flow and lucky to conceive the one child I have. No offense to your Mom, mine has all this wisdom the sounds like a line of old wives tales from back in the day!!

Anonymous said...

lol you are too fun! I love that shoe campaign! fab!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Ahhhhhhhhhh, the red tide. Not my favorite thing about nature. The Loubies spread is GORGEOUS!

Anonymous said...

I just adore that Louboutin campaign, although I might be the only lady alive who doesn't much care for the actual shoes!

www.janetteria.com said...

CL photos! YaaaaY!


Heidi said...

Those ads are amazing. Simply divine.

Elizabeth Marie said...

Love the Loubie ad campaign...

You are so funny darling..."magic flow"...take it easy over there, fertile mertile! :) kisssessss!

Ela said...

"Minus the rainbow" love it! Good to know cause there aren't any rainbows (or pots of gold) when my aunt flo comes to visit.
Glad you're feeling better :)

. said...

I adore Christian Louboutin!!


Couture Carrie said...

Love the new Louboutin campaign, as I am a huge fan of 17th century Dutch ephemera paintings!


Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

My, my, my - those shoes should put anyone on the moon! Gorgeous!

Anna G said...

All kept on thinking is how much I want those shoes!! Those are sexy and very coveted.

Iva Messy said...

OMG!!! you are so hilarious! I have to say those first few pictures really are great...and...then...LOL totally hilarious! ohhh the visitor .....ugh


Jan said...

"it's alarming how charming you are" and you are sooo funny.
Glad you're feeling better x

Laura Trevey said...

Thanks goodness you ended with the rainbow shot! That "Red" pic before it is quite shocking ...

Have a Beautiful Day!
xo Laura

drollgirl said...

bhahah! i posted that shining animated gif a while back when auntie flow was all around me.

hope you are happy and cramp-free today. :)

SociallyGreen said...

thanks for the comment! i love the style elements of your blow. i'm now a follower :) lol.

Aline said...


I'm laughing so hard...lol

and I want to frame all of those loubie photos and hang them around my house!

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Well...I think a pair of those shoes would make anyone feel pretty.:) Your mom is funny! Ah...mothers,...what would know without them.

I'll be feeling like you sometime next week.:(

Wishing you a lovely end of the week, darling. xoxo

Brunch at Saks said...

Oh my- I LOVE the shoes pics! Just gorgeous! Glad you are feeling better :) XOXO

Fashion Minute said...

lalalalala la la la LOVE LAboutin!


Alicia @ boylerpf said...

oooowww...love that gray ruffle Louboutin! Great ad campaign...a good shoe should stand on its own.

I'm still laughing at the crimson tide!

Lianne said...

I just found you via Bookish Blonde and love what I see. I think you are also a reader of Honk if you're a Knob, or maybe it's Mainstream Melancholy? Anyway, glad to have found you, and I look forward to catching up.

Keith said...

These are great photos. I really loved that first one. I hope Mother Nature is being pretty decent to you.

Giovanna said...

I love this post! Louboutin ad campaign is just fabulous! Love all the pictures :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the lovely comment!
Boho Market

DaisyChain said...

love the shoes

and I do hope your flow...stops flowing soon.

Fashion Moment said...

I LOVE this Ad. Fantastic!


Nicola said...

The shoes and the sweets together are luuuurve :)

Anna said...

I loved that still life serious. SO cool!

have a great day :)

Unknown said...

I love the Loub campaign...it's so fabulous! and all that red every where...great finds!

Gabby said...

Love love love the CL pictures!

And you...you are too funny, lady!

Amy said...

Oh my GAWD! You're something and I love it! The funny thing is, "the curse" came to visit earlier this week and I felt so shitty and bitchy that I wanted to blog about it...you take the cake!

Fab post!

Conversation Pieces said...

Ha ha! 'Magical flow' is so funny. Certainly nothing magical about mine!! And yes I'm sure there's a few guys cringing at this post! :D

Anonymous said...

Love the Loubies campaign! The shoe in the third photo down (with all those fabulous ruffles) is DIVINE.

Eda said...

I'm glad you feel better.

Diana said...

LOLOLOL at the bloody photo!