Darling Shirley~

"I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph."~Shirley Temple
How about your experience???
Well...for me, still recovering from my childhood trauma.
Till today I would run as fast as I can whenever I see
any man with fake white beard & fur trimmings!!
I always think Santa smells like pee!
[ errrrr....could very well be my own pee~perhaps?!! ]
Hope you weren't expecting anything profound,
pretty sure you know LENORENEVERMORE by now
~XOXO* as always anyway...
-Shirley Temple website*
-Pics found via Ebay, Freeweb, Autographcentral & Movietreasures.Com


Treacle said...

You know...I have never seen a single Shirley Temple movie. If I wanted to rent one, where should I start?

Leah said...

Hahahaha... you are hilarious...Santa smells like pee.

Shirley Temple really looked so adorable. Those curly locks were her trademark when she was a kid.

FEDERICA said...

Wish you a very merry Christmas! I'll be back online early January.
Hugs & Love

Sarah Lulu said...

Ohhh I used to love watching old Shirley Temple movies on a Saturday afternoon when I was a child!!

Jan said...

You had a Santa trauma ? How awful.
What happened ?
I don't remember ever believing - too much of a realist - figured out the logistics of the whole idea early on I think !
Adored Shirley Temple - amazing woman too.

Anonymous said...

Can't say I'm really a fan of Shirley - 'The Good Ship lollipop' always freaked me out a little, as did her voice...

My sister told me Santa wasn't real when I was appallingly old (she is two years younger than me); and we got into a colossal fist-fight over it. In the end she won, and I was broken hearted :"(

Well, that was drepressing!


abigail said...

Poor Shirley.
Wasn't she a US ambassador as an adult? What an amazing and strange life she had.

Juanita said...

As a child, I had a strong aversion to all adults dressed as something fantastical approaching me, Santas included (I was painfully shy).

As an adult, if a creepy clown comes anywhere near to my proximity radar, I ready my kung-fu kick!

Laura Trevey said...

I hope you get everything you asked for!! and much more.....


Homemaker Man said...

Treacle-Start (and possibly end) with The Little Princess. I think Santa smells like pee because the elves like to play practical jokes.

Bob said...

I don't remember if anyone actually told me, or if it just came to me that this was a whole big crock of......Yeah, it just came to me.

Keith said...

I can't remember when I stopped believing in Santa. I remember I'm the one who told my brother.

Formerly known as Frau said...

I can't remember I had three older sisters I'm sure one of them bursted my bubble or I found my Santa gift. I hate surprises even now I snoop!!

Anonymous said...

Ya know, I'm not actually sure I ever visited Santa ... I certainly don't remember if I did!

Christina said...

santa DOES always smell like pee. her experience made me laugh though.

Brandi said...

This is such a fantastic quote. Made me laugh a bunch this morning. Just perfect.

JennyMac said...

I dont remember when my brother told me about Santa (or no Santa as it were) but I remember he is the sole ruiner of my childhood dreams. LOL.

Santa smells like pea...HAHAHA.

Jill said...

My cousin told me when I was far to old to still believe in Santa. I'm too embarrassed to reveal my age!

Anonymous said...

I still believe in Santa!! :-)

emily said...

haahaaa i love that quote. she is too cute.

Bathwater said...

I remember seeing Santa in one of those downtown department stores. The path leading to him was covered in long black curtains and giant toy soldiers-- in wonder kids get scared.

Syed said...

So incredibly cute! I'm pretty sure I took the Santa truth quite well. Although I still write to him every year lol.

Cheryl Peters said...

Do you think the long lines of kids waiting to see Santa made a pee break nearly impossible?

Instead of cookies and milk for Santa this year, I'm going to leave him a box of Depends!

www.janetteria.com said...

So lovely!


www.janetteria.com said...

So lovely!


bananas. said...

What kind of santas were you working with?! Ewww. Lol!

I used to be obsessed with shirley temple. That quote of hers is hilarious.

Gabbi said...

Such a fan of Shirley when I was a little girl! I would stop whatever I was doing when one of her films was on the television! :)

Also, honestly, there's a part of me that still loves Santa and he's my fave part of the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. I'm so childish huh dear Lenore?

Thank you also Lenore for that lovely comment... it very much jolted me out of my stressed mood. ♥ Wishing you a wonderful week!

Taylor said...

I still believe in Santa. If you stop believing the presents stop coming.

Sam said...

Shirley!! I remember one holidays they had a mini festival of her films - it was such a treat to watch all of them - although I didn't like it when she "grew up"!!

As for Santa - well I suspected something was afoot when he turned up at my school one year wearing my Dad's distinctive clothes under his red suit and he greeted me with my secret family nickname! I was puzzled to say the least! Sorry to hear about those wiffy Santas you've come into contact with...*shudder*!

Hope you're having a lovely week! XX's

spanky* said...

::teehee:: i don't recall ever thinking that they smelled like pee, but believe it or not, i do remember wondering why Santa couldn't afford a suit made from better material.
see department store santas? that crappy suit ain't fool'n all of us!

i luv that Shirley Temple Quote. I just read it out loud to my office. it's so sweet. but kinda sad.

happiest of holidays


Magdalena said...

I still believe in Santa, Fairy Tales, Prince Charming and all the sweet things in life!! I refuse to age and this helps, LOL
Love the post and the adorable Shirley Temple quote, I don't know all that much about her except we have similar hair especially during high humidity :)
Have a Marvelous Day sweet Lenore

Toothfairy said...

I've never believed in santa, at least... I think...

and the shirley temple quote is AWESOME and hilarious!


Tights Lover said...

That is so funny! I love the Shirley Temple pics as well.

I had an older sister spoil Santa for me at a very young age...

sofiasophie said...

actually ...never believed in.....

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

We took the dude on Sunday night. It did not go well. He was like get me outta here NOW! ah ha ha

trishie said...

Santa smells like pee..hahaha!! you're hilarious.

Just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, my dear blogger friend!

Aline said...


i know that this is kind of sad, but i never really believed in santa! i just knew it was my parents, though i still address gifts from santa to this day!

Melanie's Randomness said...

Awww I love Shirley Temple!! That is the cutest quote!! Poor thing. hehe.

I never did the pictures with santa much but they are cute to see the lil kids light up when they see santa!

Sierra said...

I love Shirley Temple too, she is such a doll and looks like one too. Darling quote and hope you enjoy your evening!

Kitty Stampede said...

LOL!!! This cracked me up so hard. I can totally see why you think he smells like pee. I think Santas are creepy, the ones at the mall. Have you seen SketchySantas.com...hilarious.
I was pretty young when I found out..my parents didn't like lying to me..apparently my mom was devistated when she found out.
Hope you have superbly delightful Christmas!!!

AnnQ said...

Mall Santas always freak me out a bit...not the pee part (although that's never a good thing ;-) ). I just wonder if they're secret Pervs. Think I've watched one too many Dateline episodes. :-)

Andie said...

i dont remember how i got over santa, i just did. and i love shirley temple, my mum was a HUGE fan when she was little. she had all her dolls, then one day she lent them to my older sisters, and they just vanished :(

oh thanks for the comment btw:)

The Snarky Narwhal said...

I was 5 or 6 and my dad has always had a beard, he um forgot to brush the cookie crumbs out of his beard...cough >.>

Elizabeth Marie said...

Oh my gosh..that quote! I am in love. And she was just a living doll...amazing.

Dumbwit Tellher said...

I was scouting for old pictures last night of Christmas' past and ran across photos of my dear, beloved friend Shirley. I thought to myself, how fabulous to write a post about my fictional childhood BFF. If you could see my face now, you made me a happy, sappy 50'ish (cough*cough*) ole' gal. Shirley is Christmas. As for Santa, I still love him and you too of course.

Happy..happy Christmas to one of my favorite, funny, charming, and thoughtful blogging buddies.
xx deb

S and O said...

never liked those fake Santa's either. they do smell bad! and it's so phony, this one I went to had all sorts of stubble competing with his white Santa's beard, not to mention bushy black eyebrows:)
Shirley was sooooo cute!

CupcakeSniper said...

I used to LOVE Shirley Temple and be obsessed with all her movies!! You make me want to watch one now! She was sooo cute!

Tracie said...

LOL! "Santa smelled like pee." I thought they all smelled like liquor.