'Dad, what are you talking about?' the son screams.
"We can't stand the sight of each other any longer," the old man says.
"We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in
Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone.
'Like heck they're getting divorced,' she shouts, 'I'll take care of this.'
She calls Mumbai immediately, and screams at the old man, "You are not getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then , don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR??" and she hangs up.
The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. 'Okay', he says, 'It's all set. They're both coming for our anniversary and paying their own airfare!!'
[writer unknown]

" helloo...my name is Guilty! ~Guilty for not spending
more quality time with my loved ones...especially my parents!
~Anyone can relate here?!" ~XOXO*
-Pics via HelloLolla, Flickr's: RiotBubbles, GrapeFollowYou, Martians
OMG!! HILARIOUS!! HYSTERICAL! ...and yes, I do think all too often we miss special, precious moments with our loved ones...especially our parents.
I miss those old, big, colorful phones! Time to go retro once more.
I love this story. It's like a scene from the movie. How sweet! Yeah, I'm going to call my parents today!
I was definitely not expecting that ending!!! love it !!!
** btw - you won the Orglamix Giveaway **
yay.... e-mail me your address pretty please...
xoxo Laura
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do! It worked for them.
Aww this is soooo great - hilarious and yet kinda heart warming:)
That teeny phone is just so cute, I can't stand it! I love it.
I'm pretty good when it comes to my parents but not so good with inlaws...I'll work on that :)
Oh I LOVED that, crafty and clever! Love all the phone shots too.
I always love your posts. So witty and fun. Hope you're doing well. Thanks for your comment on my Sophia Loren post. I'm so ready for Nine to come out.
Very cute story! :-)
Luckily I'm in the opposite end of the spectrum, I call too much...hehehe. I have decided to not call so often. Quality not Quantity..heehee.
that is so cute! i don't have parents so i don't have that problen but i'm definitely guilty of not seeing my grandpa as often as i should.
Did my mother put you up to this?
Great story! By the way I neeeed the first adorable phone. :-))))
P.S.: Don't forget to enter the Ellington headband giveaway!♥
OMG I love it great story! I call my parents but the suffering omg....hearing the same story over and over again. And the bickersons back and forth...okay your right!
What a story. Thank you!!! ;-)
One Love,
Aaww, saw you on a few mutual blogger friends blogrolls (Shop 'n Chomp, Unbeweavable, etc) and thought I'd stop by. Very cute/sweet story! We definitely need to appreciate our loved ones more.
Will be back soon and always glad to meet more blogger buddies!
Oh that's a good one !
Time - quality time - what happened to that ?
lool that's genius of the old man haha
completely...and I'm an only child which makes it worse!
So funny! I admit, I forget to call my mom sometimes...but she never forgets to call me and tell me how rarely I call her :)
Haha loved this post, L!
Haha loved this post, L!
Good one!!! I need to call my folks today too... Guilt setting in...
nice ploy those two! hahaha, it's difficult keeping in touch, for sure. it's difficult, but it's important!
hahaha! so good story! and so true! xo
utterly fantastic
That was too good, too good.
Shoot I already got a divorce now what will I use as bait when the kids are older?
bahahah! well, that is so sad but true!
i love the parents and all, but spending two days with them every now and again is PLENTY. i am guessing they feel the same way about me. :)
Brilliant choice of visuals!
me too I feel guilty....
I have the excuse of living in an other country but....
LOL this is the cutest story EVER!! K, off to call my mom!
HA that is adorable! Such a good reminder...must hang out with the parents haha thanks Lenore! XO
Fun Post LNM! I actually think my mother sounds frustrated and a bit annoyed when I call her for the third time in the same day. I usually have nothing to say and it still takes up an hour of her time...
Guilty as charged. I am trying to be better, really I am!!! This is the funniest post, my sweet. You always rock my world. xoxo Gigi
BTW, I keep meaning to tell you how much I *love* your new profile picture--we get a real peek! Wow!
LOL! I love the first phone. So beautiful! I hope your trip is coming to an end.
This is hilarious!!!
I'm literally in stitches right now, snorting like an uncontrollable nutter!!!
What a great plan!!!! gonna have to remember this when I get old, haha!!!
Girl you crack me up so much!!!
So darling....I love your post today!
How funny! Thank you for bringing a smile to the end of my day.
I do call my mom all the time but there are definitely other people I need to give more attention to.
I'm so guilty tooo :( Thanks for the reminder and story, hope you're having a good week!
Lovely lovely lovey!!! :) But I am un-guilty as the driven snow - I am in constant contact with my sole remaining relative : my Dad, every waking day!! I'm a bit hopeless about everything else however!! Have a gorgeous weekend sweetie!! XXX's
i am definitely guilty of not spending enough quality time with my parents! it is a bit harder as they're divorced so one is in indonesia and one is here but i wish i could be with them all the time! especially now that i realized how important they are to me :)
I lived in the same city as my parents until 2 years ago when they moved 900 miles away. I miss them terribly and feel like I completely took it for granted when they were here. But they're coming for a visit tomorrow, yay!
P.S. I love that tiny phone!
that mini phone is just too adorable!
So funny!!♥♥ I love your inspired posts dear Lenore... and yeah... I'm guilty too.
HAHAAAAAAAAAA! What a hilarious tale. I'm guilty of not spending enough time with my parents...
Hahah! How cute!
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