
" hope we could find some beautiful quiet moments
this busy-week ahead... if not, hope these
LOVE-ly* images could be peaceful reminders?!
can't believe another new year is fast approaching~
still so much things to do & enjoy...quiet moments
certainly can be the hardest thing to do, isn't it? "


Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

These photos sure did capture a quiet moment, very tranquil, indeed.

There is an art in capturing the quiet moments in our lives. Quiet should not mean lonely.

Beautiful thoughts from a beautiful friend.

Hope you have a wonderful week ahead...And a most wonderful New Year with all the trimmings and blessings. Lots of love to you, Lenore! You're beautiful!

Treacle said...

Quiet moments are especially hard to catch right now. I'm oddly fascinated by polaroids, and even moreso by that one of the tooth. It's such an eerie photo...the things we leave behind, yeah?

www.janetteria.com said...

I love Polaroid photos.


LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thank you dear Sixpence & Blue Moon,
" Quiet should not mean lonely..." I like that very much!
Must admit, that among the busy crowds, I may feel even lonelier sometimes~

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh my darling, what images you manage to find to make us think. You are fabulous.

Leah said...

These photos are so serene and so peaceful... love 'em.

Laura Trevey said...

"I'm not plain" .... I love it!
I will have to remember that one ~~

Happy Day ~~~

Haute World said...

Love these simple serene pictures! Hope you had a lovely Christmas :)

Brandi said...

Love this post and these pics. They are perfectly simple. I think we may forget sometimes how powerful that can be.

Anonymous said...

Those heart buttons...Little One just made me for Christmas the best chunky button necklace. Sometimes the simple things are more precious than gold ;)


Jill said...

I am totally stressed out. Do you have a picture of a valium anywhere?

Dream Sequins said...

New Year's Eve manages to sneak up on us rather quickly after Christmas each year, right? Hope you have a great week. Lovely pictures as always!

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

such cute pictures! i love the little sheep and bunny! =)


me melodia said...

I love every single one of these shots.
I had a great time this past week. I held on tightly to the calm moments.

Hope you had a blessed one.

Jan said...

Quiet moments - liking the idea.
Not sure I would spend them wrapping a sheep though.
Lovely pics. x

Unknown said...

Those bautiful images just gave me a nice sense of calm. Much needed on this Monday after the long weekend!

Christina said...

wow, these images are just lovely and very charming. hope you have a great week lenore!

Pretty Zesty said...

love this post. ahhh the quite moments. I think I'll have one right now!

The Snarky Narwhal said...

aw those are too cute! especially the lamb rapped in string.

ElBa said...

i like these images. they are so lovely...
im a new blogreader of u
& i love ur cute blog

thx for the comment <3

Kwana said...

I hope you find some quiet moments too. Such beautiful reminders.

bananas. said...

no quite moments for me. i have so much to do before new years...like find an amazing 80's outfit! woohoo!

Anonymous said...

Such serene images ... thanks for sharing them.

Anonymous said...

thanks for visiting me. must say, i'm digging your blog, jut became a follower.

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oh yes... so peaceful... I can almost see myself in a cloud... hope you had a lovely holiday time, darling! xo

Mekkan said...

The new year is really approacing much faster than I expect. Every one gets quite busy here in Japan. I need some peaceful moments and simple life. Hope yours is peaceful as well.

Sophie said...

These photos are gorgeous.I love the polaroids! And that purse is just too cute. Thanks for sharing the photos. And thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, sorry its taken me so long to reply! xo

Sabine, La Marquise des anges said...

they are awesome !!! I love them all but I must confess a particular liking for the white bunny and the yarn wrapped sheep :)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thank you everyone!

Dear Jill,
you cracked me up!

Aline said...

that is so true...we must take the time!

emily said...

these are lovely. i love the little lamb.

Jen Zalewski said...

The sheep wrapped in yarn... what a concept. :P

I can't believe another year has gone, either! 2009 seemed to pass by exceptionally quickly!

Sam said...

Beautiful peaceful pretty images!! Love the little sheepy in his pale blue coat!

...as for quiet moments - bring them on! I've been practically a hermit these past few days and relishing it!! I feel like my over busy brain has been really chilling out and saying "Thank you"! ...and now 2009 is nearly over!!! Wha? ...and the naughties are over!!! Double wha?? The mind boggles!! Love to you oh gorgeous one!! XX's

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Polaroids always seem to calm me down! Love this collection!

ilikestuff said...

I don't think there's anything more beautiful than simple polaroids. Thanks for sharing these! I could use a little tranquility to help me cope with going back to work.

Lauren @The Little Things We Do.... said...

i love all these simple little things. the button heart is so lovely.

Juanita said...

Dig the sheep :-)

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

I just adore the wee little sheep and the sprouts heart!

Callie Grayson said...

great images!
i giggled when I saw the image with the tooth! my mother gave me a box of items when I flew out this holiday and she pulls out this teeny tiny box from the big box and said, "here! this was your first tooth!"

It is so small and adorable, I am trying to figure a way to display with out being gross.
