
If I were a bitch
I want to be her...

and definitely NOT her !!!
you know, certain parts of the body should not
sag & droop too early in the games Darrrlings...
O'well...can't fight gravity sometimes! ~XOXO*
-Pics via weheartit & pixadausCom


Phoenix said...

lol you know what they say...gravity is a bitch!!


debra@dustjacket said...

Oh my Lord! Kinda speechless, that's it.

nicole mountz said...

hahah! ohhh my!

ticklishfromadistance said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaha! YES! Same! Agreed!

Simply Colette said...

I love it! xoxo

Laura Trevey said...

me too!!!

awesome pic! you made my night :)
xo Laura

Gigi Thibodeau said...

You are on fire this week! xo

Cassaundra said...

you are on a roll! very nice!

WendyB said...

Isn't there an old saying, "Too many puppies spoil the teats"?

Andrea said...

But look at all those puppies. *poor doggy lol*

Texan Zombie Goddess said...

I am an uber-bitch (just ask the hubs) and I have lived the life of the lower bitch. It is time for the upper bitch to take over. Give me some good dude booty any day!!!! I agree with Phoenix...gravity *is* a bitch...especially with these 38G'S!!!!!!

Lovin' your blog babe! Welcome relief to my chaos right now!

Penny \IiiI

. said...

hahahaha! love it.

Anonymous said...

I know which one I'd be too!!

Iva Messy said...

teehee!!! so funny!

Linda Sue said...

gravity- what a bitch!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

DUDE. I thought bfing one little pup was bad. Ah ha

Kitty Stampede said...

bahaha...you so silly! love eet!!! i would def rather be the first bitch, i would look like a tomato though..:P

Elizabeth Marie said...

hahahaha LOVE THIS!

trishie said...

Great post...you're hilarious!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Thanks you for the first visual..I want to be that bitch too! Wow and Yum!

muchlove said...

LOL! you are too funny!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

I so love your way with words!

cherie said...

OMG! haha - you are such a riot, lenore!

Anthony said...

Sure would love to see that view from the first dog's vantage point, up on the balcony! ;)

IKS said...

love the peacock:) yeah, and the guy too, i agree with you

Equiponderance said...

Hi, just love your blog! Fresh and funny:)

Jan said...

Is it me, or is that first dog is looking seriously unimpressed by the hanging guy ?
Looks okay from my viewing angle.
Can't imagine what you'll come up with next.

Sam said...

Hehehe!! (How many puppies does that are at that milk bar?!)

sofiasophie said...

ME too!

Keith said...

lol What a post.

Mekkan said...

What's going on here?! Hahaha-----

Unknown said...

gravity is a bitch indeed. lol...

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

haha! let's decree the end of gravity! xo

Cheryl Peters said...

My thoughts, exactly!!

Syed said...

Hahaha, yeah gravity is never too kind. Hope you're having a gorgeous day dear :)

Anonymous said...

LMAO! Oh no, still trying to keep perky here LOL!

McVal said...

sigh.. me too!

daisychain said...

haha totally.

Madeleine Miranda said...

The first photo is hilarious! hehe :)


Gabbi said...

Where do you find these amazing photos dear Lenore!! I'm saving the first and very much agree... I'd be the first also. :)

Hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday!

Bunny, The Paris House said...

haha. that is what my handyman does when he is pulling himself up on my balcony, you know when he comes over to fix things!!

as far as gravity, thank God for La Perla and Agent Provacateur Lingerie :)

such a fun post, as always I'm laughing, smiling and thinking happy thoughts when I visit you..

(ps I am doing better thanks, way too much drama last week, but feel free to send the Cirque and come along that would be one hell of a post!!)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thank you everyone!
Thank you for all the LOL*
makes me sooo...happy!

Ela said...

Oh my, did I just count 11???
4 at the same time is all I can do tops - and that's really pushing it..I may even tip over with 4. Maybe 2 or 3 tops. Yikes.
Happy Wednesday, dear!

Karen said...

You are one humorous lady! Love the commentary ;)

Anonymous said...

I feel the pain in the mommy doggy!

Aline said...


ilikestuff said...

Ahaha! That dog's face is priceless. She's saying, 'get me out of here.'

christy mcdonald said...
