
~ooohhh...worked really-really hard
on the soundtrack for this post!
so...enjoy Darrrlings!
boom !!! (pause)
...& repeat!
" errrrr...you like ?! "
~reminded me of the scene from the cult classic movie
'Attack Of The 50Ft Woman'...or Godzilla?! ~XOXO*
-Pics: Alexander McQueen SS-2010 fashionshow via Style.com & vintage photo via Pixadaus.com


Seeker said...


Love you, have a fab week, my dear.


Elizabeth said...

These shoes are the absolute living end. Love this post!

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

hm i like from the front- not from the side...

Yelena R. said...

Oy vey...what will they think of next....I'm pretty sure we will see celebrities wearing these in a few weeks...

Gigi Thibodeau said...

Wow. I find these creepy! You are so fabulous and funny, my dear! xoxo

Jan said...

Simply can't figure out where one's toes go.
(Monday Monday ~ Can't Trust That Day ~ la la la ~ could be your song LNM)
:) x

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thanks! hehee...my song is Diana Ross 'Upside Down!' oldie but goodie no?!

bananas. said...

those shoes are HEINOUS!!! like are they for real?! c'mon now.

the last picture was my first reaction too :)

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oh my, holly cow! never seen anything more sinister! just run, run away from them! lol! xo

debra@dustjacket said...

Yes, have not seen something that unattractive since .. I don't know when. I'd be running too, you funny girl!

debra@dustjacket said...

yes darling me again, meant to say before that I was so touched by the little shoes in your sidebar, thanks sweetheart.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I have no clue how they strutted the catwalk in those. I'd be falling all over the place!

Kell said...

If the point of those is to make women look like they have hooves... well they did a great job.

AJ at OFLBlog said...

I hate them, I really hate them..I know "hate" is a strong word and I looove shoes, I really do, but these are hideous - they look like shoes for a centaur!! Your post is smashing, though, and you should really consider a career in music!!! ox

Cheryl Peters said...

I've seen it all now!!!

Gabby said...

Wait...really?...those shoes have to be a joke! OMG so horrific!

Oh you are so funny, lady! Love the last pic!

Gigi Thibodeau said...

SO, I had to come back and see these crazy, creepy shoes again, and then I saw my little magpie on your sidebar. Thank you, my sweet. You've completely cheered me up.

Big hugs,

Anonymous said...

Those are some of the most creative shoes I havce ever seen! Fashion forward indeed!

Unknown said...

Too crazy for me! Have a sweet day! x

michelle_ said...

i love those shoes. although I think they are not very conventional to wear though...


Nicole said...

I don't think I would ever wear those. I would give props to anyone who would!

Teri said...

Oh cool. My orthotics have just been returned from a second adjustment. I am now sure that I have found the perfect shoe for my jacked up feet. Nice.

Renee said...

was staring at these shoes for days n imagining how models could teeter-toter with these 'monsters' =S

Unknown said...

ew. that's all I can say. me no likey.

Awesome Sara said...

i cant stop drooling!!! give me!!!!

Kitty Stampede said...

I love the look of them, just to look at...never to wear,NEVER... but they are just so interesting...gemmy snakeskinned hooves that they are.
don't know how these models walked in them...Holy..

Elizabeth Marie said...

They kind of creep me out...but they DO look hot on the runway...hahaha you are HILARIOUS!

Jeannette Mariae said...

I have never ever seen anythink like this. How in the world can little feets get into these shooes?????????

Love JM ;-)

Sam said...

Hehehe!!! Lenore - you crack me up!!! Yes, I saw these on the runway - and I though hmmmmmm....different but ultimately NO! Too kinky for my pure soul I'm afraid! I also feel sorry for the feet - are we going to hear from feet liberationists now? I think so - the feet cannot be happy in these...my feet are wiggling in sympathy as I write...

sofiasophie said...

yes I like it!
I'd never wore them, because it looks like dinosaur shoes, and I feel like I'd love to be more feminine...
I looooove this collection, and MacQueen is a genius, he make us react, and this precisely the purpose of art....

IKS said...

im not sure. at first i said, no way. ugliness! but when viewed form front, they look pretty nice... boom boom booom!

Keith said...

I could not imagine how anybody could wear those. Yikes.

Arushi Khosla said...


me melodia said...

excellent posting.
I would look like a regular sized woman in these... I'm so tiny.

Well, I'd be a stylish and totally bonkers woman to boot.

Christina said...

love the soundtrack. these looks like beautiful torture devices. yup.

Anonymous said...

umm. awful.

Tights Lover said...

You need some sort of award for walking an entire runway in these!

- said...

wowo! I was going to post about them too! it was one of the best shows in paris... and probably of the season in terms of creativity

Anonymous said...

those shoes stole the show.

Heidi said...

Ummm...ouch?! I can't even imagine.

jdavissquared said...

Those are so creepy! They just don't look right.

You sure know how to grab my attention though!

Hope you're having a great week!

Rhianne said...

I've seen these a few times now and each time I shudder...

Dream Sequins said...

These scare me.

These fascinate me.

I have such mixed emotions right now.

I kind of want to walk into a boutique to try them on. Just cos.

Beth said...

Believe it or not as soon as i took the first glance these shoes reminded me of a camel, idk why bu they simply did. How the heck do they walk in those?

S and O said...

those shoes look killer uncomfortable and they are quite hideous!!! *whispers* where can I get some? :D

love your soundtrack, lol!
