
" wooofff ! x3 "
Halloween comes a little early to the street...
Found this during my cheese pizza lunch break;
[click-click-click* while munch-munch-munch*]
...once again, This is 'so wrong yet so right' moment!
Must share* ~eeeck+whahhh...


Jan said...

OMG - looked real on the thumbnail.
Has to be said - three heads are better than one.
(Sorry) x

Cheryl Peters said...

My God. I had to look not twice, but three times to figure out how that dog had three heads.

What a hoot!!!

Iva Messy said...

LOL LOL LOL!!! so cute...umm and kinda weird..but still really cute! The puppy looks confused a bit too hehe:)

hope you are having a fab day lenore!!

Elizabeth Marie said...

oh my gosh hahahaha that is amazing!!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Cheeky Jan,
your comment made me want to light a cigarette suddenly ~LOL!

Kwana said...

I'm loving it!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

What our pets won't do for us!!

trishie said...

That's HILARIOUS!!!!!! i love it, thanks for making me laugh out loud.

Tracie said...

Had to do a double take on this one. LOL!

Amy said...

bahaha! i loooove it! you always make me laugh, my dear!

Anonymous said...

That is a very clever costume. I want a Yorkie so bad. And I already know I'll dress her up.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

DUDE...there are no words. Freaking hysterical!

Gigi Thibodeau said...

Insane! You made me bust out laughing. My poor husband was asleep on the sofa and I woke him up. You find all the best stuff, sweetheart. xoxo

poet said...

TeeheeheeeheehHeeH!!! I don't usually approve of people dressing up their pets, but this is hilarious! Thanks for your comment, too!


Unknown said...

Wow! I also had to look twice! So cool! Have a sweet day!

jdavissquared said...

hahahahahaha! I think that's the best dog costume I've ever seen! Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Hah! Oh, I just LOVE it!

Cindy said...

triple the fun, just hope the back end remains singular or that could be a challenge ;)!

amourissima said...

Isn't this the same Three Headed Dog in the first Harry Potter movie?


Christina said...

hahahah, i was confused for a second there. that pup is a good sport. mine would be trying to fight the fake heads.

sofiasophie said...

you did really saw it?

hilarious... and the master? has he/she had the same stuf on?

Aline said...

cerberus...what a genius idea!!!

Gabbi said...

omgosh!! This is adorable too... I want a George version♥