
Grace Kelly married Prince Rainier of Monaco in 1956, in a wedding befitting the legendary fairytale romance.

As one of the twentieth century's style icons, Jackie O's wedding dress has become the most photographed in American history. As wife to 35th US president John F Kennedy. Still the most stylish First Lady of all time.

In 1980, Diana Spencer married Prince Charles, the wedding pictures became the images that defined an era. Remember the looong...25 foot train and thousands of hand sewn pearls and sequins?!

My ultimate married couple of all time:
Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman
who got hitched in a simple and memorable Las Vegas wedding...
simple yet the marriage lasted for over 50 years
(until his death late last year, RIP*)
~They were simply adorable* together!
Paul on why their marriage has lasted: "... because of great impatience tempered by patience. When you have been together this long, sometimes you drive each other nuts, but underneath that is some core of affection and respect."{source] On marriage: “ I've repeatedly said that for people who have as little in common as Joanne and myself, we have an uncommonly good marriage. We are actors. We make pictures and that’s about all we have in common. Maybe that’s enough. Wives shouldn't feel obligated to accompany their husbands to a ball game, husbands do look a bit silly attending morning coffee breaks with the neighborhood wives when most men are out at work. Husbands and wives should have separate interests, cultivate different sets of friends and not impose on the other ... You can’t spend a lifetime breathing down each other’s necks... We are very, very different people and yet somehow we fed off those varied differences and instead of separating us, it has made the whole bond a lot stronger.”{source] Joanne on love and marriage: "Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that's a real treat."{source]
PS: This post was inspired by my friend, Bunny & hubby who celebrated their Anniversary recently ~Congratulation!!! click HERE for their story~
-Via Wikipedia,Marie Claire,Conde Nast,About.Com


Unknown said...

How wonderful, great advice from Paul & Joanne, love the pics too! Have a sweet day! x

nicole mountz said...

beautiful. i remember every single one of these weddings...well hearing them or seeing pictures :) everyone of them was beautiful each bride was stunning. i miss princess di. so so sad, but happy anniversary to your friend lady :)

Jeannette Mariae said...

So beautiful ;-)

Magdalena said...

You are just the sweetest Lenore!! You put a big smile on my face this morning :)...All of your images are gorgeous and I too adore Joanne and Paul Newman they most definately are inspiring to all of us.
Have a lovely lovely day

Yelena R. said...

Such a sweet post :) I love Joanne's quote at the end! Have an awesome day!

Conversation Pieces said...

Great post. I love Joanne Woodward's wedding outfit. And their quotes are going to make me cry! I so so agree with her quote about being able to make you laugh every day... it's certainly one of the main things I adore about my other half!

Anonymous said...

That quote from Joanne is one of my ALL TIME faves. So wise, so true.

Gigi Thibodeau said...

What a beautiful post, my friend! I think Paul & Joanne hit it right on the head with their advice & wisdom--especially Joanne. When it comes down to it, having a partner who makes you laugh is the glue that holds the whole thing together. xoxo

sofiasophie said...

Paull wasn't that nice and sexy guy when he was younger!
but later, I think I've never see someone sexier than him.....

Kwana said...

Love this iconic images and Paul and Joanne and it so right. I know after being married for 20 years so far. You have to be married to a friend and someone who you can laugh with and respect.

Anonymous said...

Great romances. The Paul and Joanne quotes are very wise.

Ah . . . maybe one day.

Jan said...

What a great philosophy Paul & Joanne had.
Have to tell you that I have seen Diana's dress - doesn't look so great on photographs but it was exquisite.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

The dress looks so dreamy on photos...I can imagine it's even lovelier in person! I believe you!!

Adele said...

such words of wisdom (: great post! xx

Lisa Anne said...

Such great photos!

Cheryl Peters said...

I love this post of yours on marriages. You captured and presented some of the best and the worst.

Cheryl Peters said...

Looking good in a wedding dress and tux is the easy part. Living and loving each other requires devotion and determination.

Char said...

truly beautiful

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oh how sweet! I loved Paul and Joanne couple. hope you're having a lovely day, darling! xo

Paulina said...

what a great post on marriage! I love paul newman and joanne woodward!

Tights Lover said...

Great post! Congrats to your friends. No story can be as warm as the ones from happy married couples...

Kitty Stampede said...

This was beautiful advice from this amazing couple!! It made me well up. That is what it does take for a relationship to last so long. They had it nailed. Gosh, they were cute.

Anonymous said...

Diana's dress brought about the puffy sleeved, ruffled neckline bridesmaids dresses that everyone abhors today. Still loved her dress ;)

Always admired the relationship the Newmans had. To be in the public eye so much and for the relationship to last through all that brings, is truly commendable. Another couple that I feel are similar to the Newmans are Will and Jada Smith.

Will once said in an interview that many trials and tribulations come with marriage, but there is NO OTHER OPTION. You work through it.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Truly iconic weddings.
And Paul and Joanne are sublime.

Phoenix said...

LOVE this post! Love it!! Especially that last line:

"Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that's a real treat."

So incredibly true.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Mr. and Mrs. Bunny are beyond special! Love Paris Bunny and her fabulous, fun life!

And I truly believe that being able to laugh together every day is definitely the secret for success (and pretty unmentionables daily too!). ;)

Blissfully together with my McDreamy for 12+ years!

Tori said...

wow, that post was amazing. really, so touching and beautiful. well done. the love between paul and joanne really shows that marriage can work out in hollywood. and i completely agree about the wedding dresses. that jackie o one: timeless.


Sam said...

Princess Grace , Jackie and Diana all such very different gals and wearing very different dresses but they are all visions! Even Diana in her over the top '80s gown - it is still timeless. ...and I'm so with Joanne on the humour thing - my goodness - that, I believe, is the real secret to a great union. Lovely post dear Lenore. XX P.S. Thank you for the B'day wishes!!

Cindy said...

practical advice that was tried and true. i love it!

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Great..great post. I truly believe what Paul said about having your own interests to be true. My parents have been married for 57 years & I am touched by the love my father shows for my mother. She is dying & he is so overcome with grief. All she is worried about is not herself, but the thought of him being alone. There are so many forms of love, but true love, is the love that lasts a lifetime. Xx

Syed said...

Awww this was such an adorable post :) Yay for Paul and Joanne, definitely an amazing couple!! And I absolutely love that quote from Joanne. Hope you're having a wonderful day.

Amy said...

fab post, my dear! one of my favourite celeb couples. not only are they amazing for their honestly and long-lasting marriage, but their humanitarianism.

hope all is well with you, chicky!

Leah said...

I agree with Paul's philosophy... husbands and wives should have lives of their own. They must grow individually, not just as a couple. Great post.

Aline said...

this is so sweet:) awesome post my dear!

Couture Carrie said...

Congrats to Bunny, darling!
Gorgeous post ~ I especially love the pic of Jackie O :)


drollgirl said...

oh, paul and joanne seemed like such a good couple. i need to find my own paul newman STRAIGHTAWAY! :)

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

All favorite weddings that I enjoy viewing. Joanne Hit the nail on the head when it comes to love. Being able to laugh at each others foibles aftr all the years is truly supreme!

Elizabeth Marie said...

Such gorgeous weddings, all of them...and the quote at the end on love is so true, I adore nothing more than a man who can make me laugh. And make me nutella crepes, no? :)

bananas. said...

i'm no fan of marriages but that last one, paul and joanne, tug on my heart strings. if ever i get married, that's exactly what i want...a forever marriage.

"great impatience tempered by patience..." love this.

Gabbi said...

What a wonderful post dear Lenore, I'm such a fan of Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman and I'd never read their quotes on love and marriage. Congratulations to Bunny and her hubby!♥

muchlove said...

aww, I love looking at wedding photos - even if they don't always last in the end.

The Curious Cat said...

I love Grace Kelly - she was so so beautiful...As for Paul and Joanne...their words bring me comfort about my own relationship...wonderful! xxx

pve design said...

My parents have been married for 61 years and I think a huge part of their success are the "little" things- they always deal with things so gracefully. A relationship is all "give and take!"
Teary eyed post ---

christa elyce said...

great post! i love it! what they say is sooo true. that a husband and wife need to have seperate things. each must have an identity...keeps the other interested in the other. seriously...i made that mistake in my marriage...and now look at me.


Toothfairy said...

grace kelly.... I love!!!


Fifi Flowers said...

What a lovely post! Love Paul and Joanna's philosophies!

TheBeautyFile said...

Paul Newman is my biggest crush!! They looked adorable!

Tracie said...

Beautiful weddings!

Love Paul and Joanne. They seem like such a normal couple. KWIM?

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Paul and Joanne were epic!! And I don't know there has ever been a more gorgeous bride than Princess Grace!

Sara said...

omg that's beautiful in every way!

Mami Made It said...

I simply love this post