~hope you don't mind me...
I shall end this week with a very simple quick post,
a self portrait...of my Chunky* Legs !!!
which by the way, required much relaxing+warmth this weekend!
" have a great cozy weekend everyone! "
"The legs are the wheels of creativity."
~ Albert Einstein
She's got legs and she knows how to use them!
thanks for the advice... I need to relax and not get overwhelmed with all the hustle and bustle these next couple of weeks!!!
xoxo Laura
:) yay for relaxing
"have a good weekend too!"
Have a great weekend... she's got legs!
wow...a picture of your legs! i feel like i know you already ;)
have a faboo weekend darling!
Yeah we're leg sisters now! I showed you mine; and you showed me yours ;D And damn girl we look goooood!
Have a wonderful relaxing weekend dear.
My stems need that this weekend too! And your legs are not chunky. : )
Have a nice weekend to you too!
Have a wonderful weekend!
:) I was looking at them totally wrong at first. Kind of like an optical illusion... Oh yeahhh, there they are!!
You have a great weekend too!
The photo of your legs is an intimate gift from you to those of us who consider you a friend.
actually, (I'm a creep haha) but your legs look perfect
What do you mean chunky?!
Oh, enjoy it honey!
Chunky legs = NOT even close. Silly, lady!
Happy weekend, love!
Chunk, No. Cute, Yes! ;)
Have a great weekend!!!
lovely limbs and i am all about relaxing on friday...yay
At first glance, i see a soft, plush couch of which i want to dive in and take a nap....but upon further glance...kind of weird of me to think that... haha
Hope you have a cozy weekend too, darling L!
Hope you relax every bit as much as you want this weekend!
Staying tucked inside the sheets all weekend sounds like a divine idea!
great gams!
Ahh that looks so cozy... it's like me cozying in bed for almost 12 hours last night!
happy weekend to you and for the record, your legs are NOT chunky!
your legs are so not chunky!
have a great weekend!
I'm sure they're not chunky - that's just a weird angle !
Lovely weekend Lenore x
Have a lovely, lovely weekend dear Lenore! XX's
Hey there beautiful girl with the killer legs...Have a PEACEful Weekend!!
I hope you have a cool and swingin' weekend. Cheers!
Nice gams chica! RELAX all you want! nite nite :)
wow. milky white. wishing for skin so perfect, but ending up pale with freckles :(
have a nice, warm cozy-fuzzy weekend too :)
have a fabulous weekend! :)
btw i have added you to my blogroll.
want to add me back ? ;)
wow. your legs are so wonderfull. have a nice weekend, my dear. :)
Beautifu legs. Happy weekend from Anton & JM - Love ;-)
The light is beautiful. Makes me want to crawl back into bed! Happy Weekend, chica!
Hey there with the beautiful--not chunky--legs! Have a fabulous weekend. Hugs, Gigi
Your legs are gorgeous - very angelic and soft!
You're not chunky!! My weekend is almost over and I'm just starting to relax!!
PS I think we have the same skin tone.
Your legs are lovely, my dear! And they look so incredibly comfy wrapped in whatever coziness they're in :)
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